A post-launch strategy – the essential components

Contra Agency
Post Launch Strategy

Over the last 24 years we have worked with hundreds of companies helping them develop and launch websites to promote and market themselves. One of the key lessons I have learned over the years is the value in creating a post-launch strategy to ensure that the greatest value is returned to the business.

The companies that continually invest in the their site get the best return and most value.

I like to think of a new website as a bit like a new beautiful garden. A new garden looks neat and tidy however, it hasn’t reached its full potential and it hasn’t been trampled all over yet. It hasn’t been lived with by the new owners and it hasn’t progressed through all the seasons and the challenges they present.

Your new website is the same!  The real work starts now that it has launched, but the good news is that unlike the design and build phase, during this phase the value starts to be returned to the you and the business.  Changes are quick and results can be measured.

What pillars should a good post-launch strategy be based around?

The following categories of activity are essential in realising the full potential of your site post-launch and should be the pillars you build any post-launch strategy around.


This category is all about integrating tools into the site to give you the insight you need to make informed decisions.  It is the foundation of the entire strategy. If these tools are not in-place, configured correctly and aligned with your business goals then your site is going to suffer a long and drawn out death.


Small changes can make a big difference to user behaviour and engagement. By regularly (weekly) reviewing the data provided by Google Analytics, HotJar and Google Optimise you can make a hypothesis, test it and see the results.


There are many ways to market your site, ranging from inbound strategies to search advertising to display advertising.  The list goes on. The most important thing is that your approach is measured, targeted and returns value. If it does then it is easy to justify the spend.


By continuously developing and enhancing the site you ensure your users are not waiting long for new features and potential value is returned to you business quickly.  You don’t want to be in the position of throwing the site away in 2 years and going through a 9 month exercise of re building it. It is much better to continuously develop and release regularly.


The least glamorous and exciting part of a post launch strategy is maintenance. Variables are constantly changing and you need to be sure you are taking care of the basics.

Lots of effort have gone into rebuilding your site and launching it. The goal is that it pays for itself quickly by returning value to your business within the desired timeframe.  Keep investing and make sure you get the most out of your site so you don’t find yourself bulldozing it over and starting again.  Remember the pillars M.E.M.E.M.

If you’d like to download our FREE GUIDE to enhancing your B2B inbound marketing with an accelerated growth strategy you can find it at the bottom of this article.

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