The client.
Magrath Sheldrick LLP is a leading international employment and immigration law specialist. It has a truly global reach with offices across the world. Headquartered in central London, it has one of the UK’s most successful business immigration practices, providing UK, US and Global immigration solutions to some of the world’s leading businesses and private individuals.
The challenge.
As with most top law firms, Magrath traditionally generated new business from outbound sales and marketing activity. It had a dated website and visual identity and the site’s content was confusing and poorly structured. The key was to improve its web presence and make it digital-marketing-friendly, leading to high-quality enquiries, while showcasing its breadth of talent.
The strategy.
Conduct market research. Develop a new visual identity including logo-strengthening work, new fonts, colourways and visual assets. Research and create ‘buyer personas’. Structure site content around more efficient user journeys, developing clear service descriptions, content clusters and calls-to-action. Incorporate live chat to funnel inbound enquiries.